Introducing the Tap'n'Drink  

One of the most popular drinks among festival-goers is draught beer which accounts for about 1/3 of all alcoholic beverages purchased in Hungary. At peak festival times, there are often long, jostling queues at the festival counters and a large part of the crowd want to buy cold draught beer.

What Tap’n’Drink is capable of?

Brilliant solution

As a result, service staff become overburdened and can achieve less sales overall, while the perceived quality of the festival may also deteriorate from the consumer side. Tap’n’Drink’s self-service beer tap system is a brilliant solution to this problem. The mobile, easy-to-install compact structure is a fast and convenient option for serving guests professionally indoors and outdoors.

What Tap’n’Drink is capable of?

What Tap’n’Drink is capable of?

  • 300% faster service compared to human workforce (0.5l = 7sec)
  • Precise dosing (using automated measurement) for more predictable costs.
  • Special turbo taps, perfect tapping quality, ideal foam
  • Ice cold, quality draught beer
  • Easy installation, automatic operation
  • Simple, contactless payment (with credit card)
  • Reduced queues at counters, more workforce capacity
  • Reduced overall operating costs, more satisfied customers
  • A special, lasting experience for consumers



If you would like Tap'n'Drink to serve your guests with beer this year, please contact us. 

Máté Fazekas
Mobile: +36 70 797 0885